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How to Do Giveaways on Twitch Step-by-Step

How to Do Giveaways on Twitch Step-by-Step

Do you want to learn how to do giveaways on Twitch?

Running a Twitch giveaway is an effective way for Twitch streamers to grow their audience and secure loyal subscribers. But without a plan for managing your giveaway, a simple contest can quickly turn into a confusing mess.

This article will show you how to do giveaways on Twitch with zero fuss, step-by-step.

What Are the Benefits of Running Giveaways on Twitch?

There are many reasons why running Twitch giveaways can benefit your business. Giveaways are super popular, enabling you to reach a broader audience than normal.

Giveaways are also more engaging than other content types. As a result, users who don’t typically watch your live stream may decide to interact with you if there’s a chance to win a fantastic prize.

Twitch giveaways can also help you to:

  • Cross-promote other social profiles
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Increase your Twitch subscribers
  • Grow your email list
  • Attract brand partnerships
  • And more

It makes sense, in the end, to at least try running a giveaway on Twitch to see if it can help your business growth.

How to Do Giveaways on Twitch

In this guide, we’ll show you how to do giveaways on Twitch from your WordPress website with one of the best WordPress Twitch plugins. If you don’t already have a personal or business website, you can follow this excellent guide on how to start a blog in WordPress.

It will guide you through the entire process from start to finish, including buying a domain name, WordPress hosting, and setting up your site.

Yet, if you already have a website, follow the steps below to host a successful giveaway on Twitch.

1. Read The Twitch Community Guidelines

Before you run any kind of promotion on Twitch, it’s important to read the Twitch Community Guidelines and familiarize yourself with their Terms of Service. After all, you don’t want to do anything illegal or risk suspending your account.

For giveaways, Twitch doesn’t specifically mention any hard rules. However, it does say that you should abide by local legislation.

For example, if you want to make a sub-only giveaway, you could face legal issues. The reason for this is both the USA and EU rules state that giveaways must have a zero-cost entry, in other words, no purchase required.

If you do require a fee for entering, it isn’t considered a giveaway anymore. Instead, it falls under the category of a lottery which has different regulations and can only be run by government-approved organizations.

So if you’re ever in doubt, look at the giveaway rules and regulations that apply to where you live first. Then you can move on to planning your Twitch giveaway.

2. Set a Goal for Your Twitch Giveaway

Create smart goals for your twitch giveaway

The next step is to set a goal for your giveaway. This will help you learn if your giveaway was a success and measure the results.

Sit down, and ask yourself what you want to achieve from running a giveaway contest. For example, you might decide to do a giveaway on Twitch to:

  • Increase engagement on your stream
  • Improve loyalty to your brand
  • Attract more followers and subscribers
  • Drive targeted traffic to your website
  • Increase email list subscribers
  • Grow your other social media channels

By setting S.M.A.R.T. goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, it’s a lot easier to get the results you want from your giveaway.

3. Choose a Giveaway Prize

After setting your goals, you need to think about what prize you’ll offer to attract giveaway entries. While people love getting freebies, they’re less likely to enter if you don’t offer an attractive prize.

Think about your audience. What do they like, what excites them? Use those interests as inspiration for your giveaway prize.

Twitch giveaway prize example

For instance, the most popular Twitch giveaway prizes include:

  • Free game keys or in-game currency
  • Game consoles and accessories
  • Headphones and computer equipment
  • Branded merchandise
  • Twitch or Discord roles

 Check out our complete list of giveaway prize ideas for even more inspiration.

4. Determine Your Giveaway Rules

The next step is setting out the rules for your giveaway on Twitch. But first, you need to decide which type of giveaway you’ll run.

There are several different types of giveaways you can run on Twitch. For example, you can run a giveaway where users have to enter for a chance to win. Or you could require something from people, such as a photo, to enter.

In our experience, classic giveaways with simple entry requirements are much easier to run. Let’s face it; your audience is more likely to enter if it takes less effort on their part.

Some other details you should add to your Twitch giveaway rules include:

  • Eligibility: Who can enter? Are there any age or location limits?
  • Duration: What is the length of time that people are allowed to enter?
  • Entries: How can people enter your giveaway, and how often?
  • Winners: Will you randomly pick a winner, vote, or choose a different method?

In addition, you should ensure the methods for entering your giveaway align with your goals. For example, if your goal is to get more people to watch your stream, you should add this as a requirement for entering.

5. Set Up Your Twitch Giveaway with RafflePress

With your plan in place, you’re now ready to set up your giveaway on your WordPress website. For this tutorial, we’ll be using RafflePress to do a giveaway on Twitch.

how to do giveaways on twitch with RafflePress

RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway plugin on the market. It makes it super easy to design, build, and run any type of online giveaway from your business or personal website.

With an easy and powerful drag-and-drop giveaway builder, you can launch your giveaway in minutes – no coding needed. It also includes actionable entry methods designed to meet your giveaway goals.

Follow the steps below to do giveaways on Twitch with RafflePress.

Step 1. Create a New Giveaway

First, click here to get started with RafflePress and download the plugin to your computer. If you need help with this step, you can follow this step-by-step guide for installing a WordPress plugin.

Pro Tip: Don’t make the mistake of getting RafflePress nulled – it could seriously harm your website.

After installing and activating RafflePress, navigate to RafflePress ≫ Add New from your WordPress dashboard to create a new giveaway.

click Add New to create an online contest

Step 2. Choose a Giveaway Template

On the next screen, you can choose a template to set up your giveaway quickly. First, enter a name for your giveaway, then choose a template that is close to your giveaway goals.

RafflePress giveaway templates

As you can see, RafflePress offers several giveaway templates designed to reach particular giveaway goals, such as:

In this tutorial, we’ll use the Classic Giveaway template. With this template, you can create any type of giveaway with RafflePress’s drag-and-drop giveaway builder.

Choose the Classic Giveaway template by hovering your mouse over it and clicking Use This Template.

Choose the Classic Giveaway Template to get started building your contest

Step 3. Enter Your Prize Details

After choosing your template, you’ll see a screen where you can add your giveaway prize details. This is RafflePress’s visual giveaway builder, and it doesn’t require any coding knowledge to use.

First, click the pencil icon under the Giveaway Prize Details section. In this area, you can enter the name of your prize and write a short description.

enter the twitch giveaway prize details

Now click the Select Image button to upload an image of your prize. This prompts you to choose an image from either your computer or WordPress media library.

giveaway prize image

When you’re happy with your prize name, description, and image, click the Done Editing button.

If your giveaway has more than one prize, you can add extra prizes easily. Just click the +Add Another Prize button and follow the previous steps to add more.

In addition, you can enter the duration of your giveaway and set a timezone in the left-hand panel.

giveaway start and end time

From there, click the Save button in the top right corner to save your progress so far.

Step 4. Pick Your Entry Methods

One of the things that make RafflePress the best giveaway tool on the market is you’re able to offer multiple ways for people to enter while helping you reach your giveaway goals.

For instance, you can allow users to receive 1 contest entry for following you on Twitch, a 2nd contest entry for watching a video, a 3rd entry for tweeting a message, and so on.

Most people entering your giveaway will perform as many tasks as possible to increase their odds of winning the prize.

To add entry options to your giveaway, click the Actions tab in RafflePress. From there, select as many actions as you like to add them to your giveaway widget.

RafflePress giveaway actions

After choosing an action, a panel opens where you can set the entry options.

For example, the Follow on Twitch action includes options to:

  • Edit the action title (like Follow RafflePress on Twitch)
  • Add an action value (how many entries that action is worth)
  • Make the action mandatory (users must perform this action to unlock bonus entries)
  • Add your Twitch profile URL
Follow on twitch giveaway entry action

If you add more than one action, make sure the most important actions are worth more giveaway entries.

Now repeat the steps to add any other giveaway actions to your widget. For instance, you could ask users to watch a video on YouTube to boost your engagement on that platform or refer a friend to spread the word about your giveaway.

You could even ask people to comment on your latest blog post to send traffic to your website.

Plus, to make different actions seem more important, you can rearrange them by dragging and dropping them on the left side or delete them by clicking the trashcan icon.

Rearrange giveaway entry actions

Step 5. Design Your Giveaway

Now that your prize details and entry actions are in place, you can focus on your giveaway app’s design.

Click the Design tab to choose from 2 different layouts (display image, then header, or header, then image) and several fonts and button colors.

Twitch giveaway design options

If you plan to publish your Twitch giveaway on a standalone landing page, you can also choose a custom page background color or background image. Just click the Select Image button to upload an image from your computer or media library.

Giveaway landing page design options

Remember, click Save to store your settings before moving on.

Step 6. Configure Your Settings

After setting up your giveaway in RafflePress, click the Settings tab to configure your giveaway settings.

RafflePress giveaway settings

RafflePress offers several sections you can configure to customize and personalize your giveaway, including:

  • General: Change your giveaway name, choose a permalink for your giveaway landing page, hide entries, show winners, and more.
  • Giveaway Rules: Use a rules generator to create a basic set of giveaway rules.
  • Email Verification: Require users to confirm their email address when entering your giveaway.
  • Success Tracking: Add Google Analytics tracking scripts and retargeting pixels.
  • Success Redirect: Redirect users to a different page after entering, such as a thank you page.
  • Social Logins: Allows users to log into your giveaway with their Facebook credentials.
  • GDPR: Add a GDPR consent checkbox to the giveaway registration.
  • Recaptcha: Prevent spam and fraudulent entries with Google Recaptcha and Invisible Recaptcha.

One of the most important of these settings is the Giveaway Rules. With RafflePress’s Giveaway Rules Generator, you can create your contest rules quickly.

Just click the +Generate Rules button, type in the sponsor name, email, address, eligible locations, etc., and click Generate Rules.

Easily generate contest rules in seconds

You’ll now see a basic set of terms and conditions inside your giveaway widget. Users can then click the terms and conditions link once your giveaway is live to view them.

Giveaway rules in giveaway widget

Step 7. Publish Your Twitch Giveaway

The final step in the creation process is to make your Twitch giveaway live, and publishing your giveaway is super easy with RafflePress.

Click the publish button to publish your hashtag contest

Just click the Publish tab at the top of your screen and choose from the publish options:

  • WordPress Block: Use the RafflePress block to embed your giveaway widget in a WordPress post or page with the WordPress block editor.
  • WordPress Shortcode: Use the RafflePress shortcode to embed your giveaway widget in the classic WordPress editor, sidebar widgets, or your WordPress theme.
  • Giveaway Landing Page: Publish your giveaway on a distraction-free giveaway landing page that’s optimized for maximum conversions and engagement.

If you want to attract as many entries as possible, a giveaway landing page is an excellent choice. Since there’s nothing else on the page besides your giveaway to distract participants, they’re more likely to sign up and enter.

To select this setting, click the Giveaway Landing Page option.

Rafflepress lets you publish your contest on a distraction free giveaway landing page

You can click the View Page button to see your live Twitch giveaway.

Twitch giveaway landing page

You now have a stunning landing page for your giveaway!

6. Promote Your Giveaway on Twitch

Once your giveaway is live, you’ll need to promote it to attract as much interest as possible. People won’t flock to your giveaway if they don’t know it exists, after all.

twitch giveaway promotion

There are several ways you can promote your giveaway to your Twitch audience, including:

  • Announcing your giveaway on your stream
  • Adding your giveaway to your Twitch stream panels
  • Sharing the giveaway on your main social media networks
  • Writing about your giveaway on your blog

For even more ideas, check out these giveaway promotion ideas.

That said, you should start promoting your giveaway weeks before it goes live. That way, you can attract tons of entries straight away.

7. Pick a Twitch Giveaway Winner

After running your giveaway for a reasonable amount of time, such as a week or 2, you’re ready to choose a winner. RafflePress makes it super easy to pick a giveaway winner, so much so, you can do it in just a few clicks.

When your giveaway ends, head to RafflePress » Giveaways from your WordPress dashboard and click the Needs Winners link on the right.

choose a twitch giveaway winner

On the following page, you can see the details of everyone that entered your giveaway, along with how they entered, total entries, and more. To choose a winner randomly, click the Pick Winner button, select your options, and click Choose Winners Now.

pick a giveaway winner

From there, you’ll see the winner highlighted at the top of the list. So, go ahead and click the Email Winner link to tell them the great news.

email the winner

8. Follow Up After Your Giveaway

After your Twitch giveaway, it’s a good idea to follow up with everyone who entered. Following up with all of your giveaway participants helps form better relationships and gives your channel a good reputation.

Not to mention, you can mention your giveaway one last time.

To follow up with your audience after the giveaway, you can:

  • Announce the winner on a live Twitch stream
  • Showcase the winner in your Twitch panels
  • Announce the winner on your social media channels
  • Broadcast the winner on your Discord server

Just remember to thank everyone for taking part and invite them to join your next giveaway for more chances to win.

9. Analyze Your Results

The final task for any giveaway is to take a long, hard look at your results. Did you achieve the goals you set for your channel? What could you do differently next time?

One way you can analyze your giveaway results is with RafflePress’s Entries Report. With this report, you get a breakdown of how users entered your giveaway, and as a result, you can see which action was most popular.

You can find it by heading to RafflePress » Giveaways and clicking Users under your giveaway. Then at the top of the screen, click the Entries Report link.

RafflePress giveaway entries report

You’ll see a pie chart with a section for each giveaway action with a percentage for each type of entry. That way, you know which actions are most effective for future giveaways.

Another easy way to get the actionable data you need to optimize your giveaways is with MonsterInsights.

monsterinsights google analytics plugin for WordPress

MonsterInsights is the best WordPress Google Analytics plugin, and it allows you to track all your website activity right from your WordPress dashboard. For instance, you can track your giveaway landing page visits, traffic to your website, referral traffic, website activity, eCommerce promotions, and more.

By looking at your website data with MonsterInsights, you can see which giveaway promotion strategies drove the most traffic to your giveaway page and use those details to improve your next giveaway’s success.

How to Improve Your Twitch Giveaway Over Time

Once you’ve run a few giveaways, you’ll start to learn what works well for your audience and what doesn’t. You can use this information to improve your giveaway strategy over time.

Here are a few tips:

  • Experiment with different types of giveaways. There are many different types of giveaways that you can run, such as raffles, contests, and sweepstakes. Experiment with different campaigns to see which ones are most popular with your audience.
  • Try different prizes. The prize is one of the most important factors in any giveaway. Try different prizes to see which ones are most appealing to your audience. You can also try partnering with sponsors to offer more valuable prizes.
  • Promote your giveaways in different ways. There are many different ways to promote your giveaways, such as social media, your Twitch stream, and your website. Experiment with different promotion methods to see which ones are most effective.
  • Track your results. Use Twitch analytics alongside Google Analytics to track the results of your giveaways. This data can help you to understand what worked well and what didn’t so that you can improve your next giveaway.

How to Do Giveaways on Twitch FAQs

How can I prevent fraudulent entries in my Twitch giveaway?

To prevent fraudulent entries, use a trusted giveaway platform like RafflePress that offers features such as email verification, reCAPTCHA, or IP-based restrictions.

Can I run a Twitch giveaway exclusively for my subscribers?

Yes, you can run a subscriber-exclusive giveaway as a way to reward your loyal supporters. Just make sure to clearly state the eligibility requirements in your giveaway rules and promotion materials.

How can I increase viewer engagement during a Twitch giveaway?

To increase viewer engagement during a giveaway, encourage participants to interact with your stream through activities such as commenting, asking questions, or taking part in polls. You can also use chatbots or extensions to gamify the giveaway experience, incentivize sharing the giveaway, or run mini-contests throughout the stream.

Can I collaborate with other streamers or brands for my Twitch giveaway?

Yes, collaborating with other streamers or brands can help increase the reach and appeal of your giveaway. You can co-host the giveaway, share prizes, or cross-promote each other’s channels. Make sure to discuss the terms of the collaboration beforehand and clearly communicate the giveaway rules and responsibilities to your audience.

Running Giveaways on Twitch is Easy with RafflePress

We hope this article helped you learn how to do giveaways on Twitch without the fuss. 

The follow on Twitch action and other RafflePress giveaway actions make it easy to run any giveaway from WordPress and grow your brand on multiple online channels. What’s more, you can do it all without writing a single line of code.

So what are you waiting for?

Get Started with RafflePress Today!

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